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差一点 Almost

i type, u read: 差一点 Almost

i type, u read

Thursday, June 18, 2009


差一点 Almost

My post has the same title as one of the Singapore singer's song title, but there is no connection between this post and that song. I would like to share with all of you the incidents that "almost" occur in my life.


When I was about to study in Form One, I applied to transfer to another secondary school which is nearer to my house. However, my wish was not granted because they said there was no space for me. In fact, I am very thin, why no space for me? =( Haha... Thence I decided to study in other school , I registered and paid the school the registration fee. In the end, I ended up in SMK Kuching Town No.1. I
almost end up in other school, I almost lose the chance to know the teachers and friends in Kuching Town, I almost say bye bye to " TOWNIAN". From here, we can see that just a small step can bring a lot of differences. In that school I will still get to know a lot of friends and teachers but they are not the one I met in Kuching Town, and the experience is totally different.

差一点就失去参加服役的良机。曾经,我是如此愚昧... ...

The main point here is I hurt my leg's muscle. Haha..

I think everyone knew I hate National Service before this. I was the one who always said NS should be abolised everytime we discussed about NS in class. There are many reasons I do not want to join NS, but the main cause is I do not want to leave my home sweet home. I prayed hard before the namelist out so that I will not get it. However, God knows what is the best for us. I was selected for NS. I am very sad and tried my very best to escape from joining NS, but I failed. Honestly, I had learned a lot in NS, you can refer to my NS Brings Benefitssssssssss post (<-- click) to know more.

我载我妈妈去上班的路上,经过一条交通很顺畅的路,可以说是没有阻碍,每个人都快速驾驶。突然间,我前面那辆四轮车很快转去左边,一看,前面有一个塑胶东西(每次做路都会放,明示司机不可走那条路),那时我的车和那个东西的距离是半辆普通车的长度。我吓倒,头脑还没清醒,但,感谢主,我有很灵活的自然反应。我的脚赶快煞车,好让车子稍微变慢,手赶快把车闪到左车道(幸好左边没有冲着来的车)。以我那时的速度,如果撞到,后果真的不堪设想。感谢主!我们没有受伤。只是被我妈妈念了一会儿,但,她并没有下令不准我驾车。害... ...我领悟到真正聪明的人是不会快速驾驶的,因为他们爱惜生命,不会让自己白送性命。感谢主全然的保守=)。也许我很有效率的自然反应来自打乒乓吧!因为打乒乓反应通常要很快(除非是初学者就另当别论),你根本没有时间好好思考,球就过来了,你便得快点反击,你还没回过神,球又打回来了所以打乒乓讲究的是快速的正确反应。打乒乓就是这样。

I brought my mum to work today and we almost meet with an accident. The inccident happened like this:
We were passing through a smooth road, not much traffic, the cars all drove in high speed, so am I. Suddenly, the four wheel in front of me turn to left side very quickly, then I realised there was a plastic obstacle(usually they will put that when men at work to tell the drivers not to use take that road) in front of my car, quite near, only half the car's length. I was shocked, brain was still blur. Thank God, He gave me a very quick reflec arc or quick reaction since I was borned. Before my brain ordered my hands and legs, one of my legs already pressed the break to slow down the car and my hands quickly turned the steering wheel to the left side so that my car will not crash on that piece of things(luckily there was no car coming from the left side of road). I cannot imagine what will happen if my car collided with the obstacle in a high speed. Thank God for protecting us fully. We did not get hurt but I was taught by my mum in the car, that was very kind of her because she did not immediately ordered me not to drive. Now then I realised, the smart people will not drive in high speed because they treasure their life. They will not want to lose their life like that. On the other hand, I think playing ping pong does help in training our automatic reaction. Playing ping pong need fast thinking and mind and also reaction ( but for the beginners are another story), you do not have sweet time to think, you have to be fast in taking over control the ball from opponent, after you beat the ball to the opponent, the ball will come back in no time. Well, that is ping pong. Almost...

Indeed, there are a lot of "almost" in our life, if we are not carefull or just that one step can really cause a lot of differences in life. Well, do pray more. Ask God to guide and take care of us. =)


Buddy, b careful when u driving o..haha^^
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