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i type, u read

i type, u read: June 2011

i type, u read

Wednesday, June 29, 2011



六月充满了色彩, 因为我总共需要坐五趟飞机(不包括转机)。

June is very colorful for me, as I had to travel by airplane for five times(does not include transit). The first flight of the month was to come home and another four was because someone needs to make an important decision. Of course, travel by flight is not the only coloring material that colored my June. I had experienced a lot in this two weeks time, as I got to listen and experience many things. Please bear in mind that colorful does not mean beautiful.

在短短的这两个星期内,我的计划如期进行, 例如和朋友出去喝茶。

In this two weeks time, my plans are going well, such as gathered with friends to update each other.


Human is complicated and the society is not transparent. I am not an experienced old folk who want to share my valuable experience, I just want to express my points of view.


Below are a few points that I would like to share:

 这两个字可以很美丽,也可以很丑陋。它的美丽在于产生希望,丑陋在于导致失望。我不是完美的人,我很肯定我也曾经无法实现我的诺言,放别人飞机。我既然无法实现承诺,那我不可能指望别人永远不放我飞机;失望确实不好受,但是人始终须要往前走,努力实现目标和理想,绝对不可以 因为心灰意冷而放弃。我不会责怪任何人,也不会停止相信承诺,因为它们多数是美好的。当你失望时,请看一看彩虹,它象征着神永恒的约定。=)

1) Promise
Promise can be very pretty, and at the same time, it can be very ugly. It is pretty because it provides hope and it is ugly when it brings disappointment. I am not perfect, as I am very sure I was unable to fulfill my promises, caused people to feel disappointed with me. Since I cannot fulfill my promises, I cannot expect others to fulfill their promises. I know it does not feel nice to experience disappointment, but we have to move on no matter what happen, life still continues, and dreams have to be achieved; we cannot give up easily. I am not going to blame anyone, and I will not stop believing in promises, as most of the promises are trust-able. When you are upset, do look at the rainbow, it represents God's eternal promises to man kinds. =)


I can hardly differentiate between real and fake products. Sometimes, I would think that will a person who spend a lot in buying branded stuff feels upset when others who spend lesser than him or her can buy the "same" product and earn the same glory? I believe it boils down to the intention of the buyer; if he buys the branded stuff is because it has better quality and not because he wants to show off, then he should not feel upset. Some people think that it is immoral to buy fake stuffs, but at the same time, he or she might support illegal downloading of software to save money. How to know what action is acceptable by the society? How to set the line on which fake stuffs are allow to be bought?

I only have two points for now.

Please forgive my grammatical errors.



I Began to Realize...

I began to realize that friends and family are our crucial supports.
No man is an island, you may be very independence, but someday, you will surely realize that you are glad to have friends and family. Back to the foundation, I thank God that I have friends and family. Loving and helping each other is definitely the formula of a healthy society.

I began to realize that we do not harvest what we sow. I mean we can still harvest, but somehow, the crops do not grow according to what we expect, despite the fact that we gave them enough water, sunlight, good soil and mineral. This is because they might be influence by pest and etc. This is very true in our life; those who are very experienced often said that life is unfair, is it true? We seriously cannot harvest what we sow? I understand that all things happen for good. God, I surrender to you.

I have been praying for something today, hope that something can happen so that I can move on with the plan. However, the something did not happen; God let other thing happened instead, and because of that happening, I can move on with my plan. Thank you, Lord! =)


Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Home, here I come

Within 24 hours, I am going to be at home.
One thing to bear in mind, the weather is very hot in Malaysia ><
From feeling very cold when the weather is sixteen degree Celsius to feeling sweaty.. and the temperature in Malaysia now is quite high. Hmm...
Nonetheless, home is the best place in the world! =)

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The Journey to the East

Hehehehe, the long await day has finally here, in less than 10 hours, I am going to be on the plane. See you, home! =D

And, actually, things are not as bad as I taught. This was a terrible quarter, but God is good, and the outcome are not that bad.

I thank God that I had a video call with Jane two days ago. I agree with what she says and yes, I will stand up, this is not the end of the world.


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Saturday, June 11, 2011


Summer Break

Yeah, the break is here and I am going home very soon.

Here are my plan for summer:
- do nothing until I satisfy
- explore html5 and css3
- learn flash (maybe, though someone think is not necessary)
- go out with friends and family

To make it short, I just need to sit back and relax!



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