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Experience U.S. Week

i type, u read: Experience U.S. Week

i type, u read

Friday, February 5, 2010


Experience U.S. Week

Day 1- Movie Night
Day 2- University Application Talk
Day 3- Visa Talk
Day 4- Let's Party

FYI, the Let's Party was on yesterday night.
This means Experience The U.S. Week has overed.

Every event was successful, thanks to Ms Dot, Kok Hoe, Arthur, Shehan, Wai Quai and INTIMA, AUP Club committee and helpers. =) Without you guys, these events will not succeed.

In fact, Day4 was really a great challenge. We are using a hall for more than 500 people; the number of our attendess was around 200 people.

I was very nervous when the event started. Then I began to overcome my stress and just did my best.

I admit that I was lack in experience and short in man power. Nevertheless, there is alway the first time, and I am looking forward to do better next time(not this semester). Though really suffered from trauma now >.
Again, thank you very much!!!
I will initiate my study mode from this second onward. =)


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